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Fluke 1550C-KIT 5kV Professional Insulation Resistance Tester Kit
Fluke 1550C-KIT 5kV Professional Insulation Resistance Tester Kit

Fluke 1550C-KIT 5kV Professional Insulation Resistance Tester Kit

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On Sale: $6,935.99
Fluke-1550C/Kit Insulation Resistance Tester (Mfg. part no. 3665127) offers digital insulation testing up to 5kV, making it ideal for testing a wide range of high voltage equipment including switchgear, motors, generators and cables.
MFG Part No.: 3665127
Availability: Available for Orders, Coming Soon Free Shipping.
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The Fluke 1550C-KIT 5kV Professional Insulation Resistance Tester Kit with Fluke 1550C, provides digital insulation testing up to 5kV, making it perfect for testing a broad range of high voltage equipment including cables, switchgear, motors, and generators. Fluke insulation testers can perform the entire range of test voltages specified in IEEE 43-2000 with a best in class, CAT IV 600 rating, and 3 year warranty. The Fluke 1550C is perfect for predictive and preventative maintenance.